Let’s Help You Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve


Whether a family member, friends, or an organization, have you thought about expressing your love for them on a sleeve?

You should be like Thebe Magugu of South Africa who launched the Heriloom project which allows customers wear their heart or those of their loved ones on their sleeves.

The idea or logic behind this project is that, though pictures can preserve or bring back memories, but they are too far or often hidden. Just imagine your high school or graduation pictures in your shelves at home, who sees them? But you can tell the world how much they mean to you when you imprint them pictures or memories on your shirt, this is what the Heriloom suggests.

You may be an advocate for the right of the girl child, raising awareness or campaign against hunger or deprivation, advocating for a green environment or you are in a mission to promote the usefulness of tech and its future benefits. Whichever you are in, you can carry out that responsibility without many words. By only imprinting what you are advocating for on your shirt, you can send a million messages that letters and save our soul messages could not.

In the words of Magugu ‘‘Heirloom is a very special project for me because it gets to immortalize through cloth not only my own memories, but the memories of others as well’’ according to him the project aims to bring to life those cherished memories in a way that you can wear and carry them with you every day.

Macklemore Solutions is a professional company that can recreate those special memories of your loved one or organizations be it on hoodies, T-shirts, face caps, or marches etc. all that is required is for you to send us a picture of choice or those memories and we will print them on your sleeves.


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